Saturday, 22 September 2012

Online free math tutor

-->In the previous post we have discussed about decimal to percent and In today's session we are going to discuss about Online free math tutor.
Learning Mathematics has become fun with introduction of use of teaching tools and aids in the field of education. Though it never means that class room can go ahead without a teacher, but the presence of computer in a classroom makes the teaching learning process very interesting and enjoyable.
With time methods of teaching of any subject are also changing. The problems of students can be sorted by the Free Online Math Tutor, which can support the children to get the solution of problems any time they need.
Further we observe that there are many websites which provide Free Online Math Tutor support for different topics. Thus a child can easily access the solution to any type of the problem faced while he study, without taking into consideration, the grade and the topic to be studied. These online tutors are boon for the learners and thus it clears the doubts of students time to time. They simply clear the hurdles faced by the students at the time of revision done by them. Basically we find that the  exercises are followed by the multiple choices questions and the quiz based on different topics.
All this helps children to create interest in the subject. We call it as an innovative method of teaching learning process. This online tutor helps to provide instant support for the students and thus the solutions to sums are provided by the math online tutors without taking much of the time.
To learn about the Kinetic Molecular Theory Of Gases, we can also take the online support for chemistry.
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Thursday, 20 September 2012

decimal to percent

There are several mathematical operations that we can do with decimal numbers. If we are asked to find the percentage for any given decimal, then decimal is multiplied with 100 to get the desired %. Position of the decimal in the number is shifted to right of the original position skipping two digits after decimal. For instance, suppose we have a decimal number 00.4887, then equivalent percent is calculated as follows:
00.4887 x 100 = (4887 /10000) x 100 = 4887 /100 = 48.87 %.
Let us take one more example of decimal to percent conversion: Convert 2.02 to its equivalent %. We multiply 2.02 and 100: 2.02 x 100 = 202 %
Application of this is found in many mathematical problems where the rate or percentage evaluation is needed to be done.
Linear equations are those expressions in maths which when plotted result into a straight geometrical line. The commonly used form of any linear equation is the slope – intercept form that is given as: y = m x + c. Where, m denotes the slope and c denotes the intersection point of the line when it is graphed. On the basis of the slope and the intercept of the line we can decide whether the two lines are intersecting, parallel or coinciding. If the two lines have different slopes, then only we can use the linear equation solver to find the intersection point. There can be just one intersection point between two lines. In case the slopes are equal, the lines can be either coinciding or parallel.
If the intercepts of the lines are also equal, then the lines are said to be coinciding and for lines with different intercepts we call them parallel. These concepts form the base of algebra and geometry of maths and have been briefed in the cbse sample papers 12.