Saturday 22 September 2012

Online free math tutor

-->In the previous post we have discussed about decimal to percent and In today's session we are going to discuss about Online free math tutor.
Learning Mathematics has become fun with introduction of use of teaching tools and aids in the field of education. Though it never means that class room can go ahead without a teacher, but the presence of computer in a classroom makes the teaching learning process very interesting and enjoyable.
With time methods of teaching of any subject are also changing. The problems of students can be sorted by the Free Online Math Tutor, which can support the children to get the solution of problems any time they need.
Further we observe that there are many websites which provide Free Online Math Tutor support for different topics. Thus a child can easily access the solution to any type of the problem faced while he study, without taking into consideration, the grade and the topic to be studied. These online tutors are boon for the learners and thus it clears the doubts of students time to time. They simply clear the hurdles faced by the students at the time of revision done by them. Basically we find that the  exercises are followed by the multiple choices questions and the quiz based on different topics.
All this helps children to create interest in the subject. We call it as an innovative method of teaching learning process. This online tutor helps to provide instant support for the students and thus the solutions to sums are provided by the math online tutors without taking much of the time.
To learn about the Kinetic Molecular Theory Of Gases, we can also take the online support for chemistry.
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Thursday 20 September 2012

decimal to percent

There are several mathematical operations that we can do with decimal numbers. If we are asked to find the percentage for any given decimal, then decimal is multiplied with 100 to get the desired %. Position of the decimal in the number is shifted to right of the original position skipping two digits after decimal. For instance, suppose we have a decimal number 00.4887, then equivalent percent is calculated as follows:
00.4887 x 100 = (4887 /10000) x 100 = 4887 /100 = 48.87 %.
Let us take one more example of decimal to percent conversion: Convert 2.02 to its equivalent %. We multiply 2.02 and 100: 2.02 x 100 = 202 %
Application of this is found in many mathematical problems where the rate or percentage evaluation is needed to be done.
Linear equations are those expressions in maths which when plotted result into a straight geometrical line. The commonly used form of any linear equation is the slope – intercept form that is given as: y = m x + c. Where, m denotes the slope and c denotes the intersection point of the line when it is graphed. On the basis of the slope and the intercept of the line we can decide whether the two lines are intersecting, parallel or coinciding. If the two lines have different slopes, then only we can use the linear equation solver to find the intersection point. There can be just one intersection point between two lines. In case the slopes are equal, the lines can be either coinciding or parallel.
If the intercepts of the lines are also equal, then the lines are said to be coinciding and for lines with different intercepts we call them parallel. These concepts form the base of algebra and geometry of maths and have been briefed in the cbse sample papers 12.

Friday 24 August 2012

Imaginary Number definition

There are so many types of a number in mathematics such as real numbers, whole numbers, imaginary numbers, complex numbers etc. But here we will only discuss imaginary number definition which says that an imaginary number is a number which will always remain less than or equal to zero whenever you square the number. Imaginary numbers are always represented in the form of iy where y is any real number and i is the imaginary unit.

In other words imaginary number can be defined as when an imaginary number, let us suppose iy, is being added to any real number like x, it results into a complex number which is of the form x + iy, where x and y are the real part and imaginary part of that complex number respectively.
And as you can see that complex number will become equal to the imaginary number whenever the real part of the complex number, which is x, will be zero.

In imaginary number definition there is one more point which is yet to be discussed. The point is, whenever we see any number under the square root with a negative sign ahead, we cannot solve it, but we could have solved it if there was no negative sign so that’s why we put an imaginary unit i before the square root because of the property i2 = -1 and then we can just solve the number in square root.
For example, we have a number √ -25, which is an imaginary number and its square is -25 but we can also represent an imaginary number as a real number by just putting an imaginary unit i before the square root as i2 = -1,so we have i √ 25 which is equal to i5.

In order to get help in the topics: representative elements and cbse latest sample papers, you can just visit our next article.

Friday 27 July 2012

Perfect Numbers

In the previous post we have discussed about What are Ordered Pairs and In today's session we are going to discuss about Perfect Numbers. Perfect Numbers that define in the number theory describe as a positive integer number which is equal to the sum of its divisor that gives the remainder zero means they would be proper divisor but in this sum discard the number itself that is also a proper divisor  but could not included in the calculation of perfect number.

We can also explained perfect number as a half of the sum of total positive divisors but in this case include the number itself.
We can easily define the perfect number by an example as 6 is a perfect number because the sum of all the divisor excluding itself equal to 6 that is 1 , 2 and 3 are the proper positive divisor of number 6 and their sum as 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
According to the second definition of the perfect number if half of the sum of its all proper divisor is equal to the given number then that number is called as perfect number as (1 + 2 + 3 + 6) / 2 = 12 / 2 = 6.
We can also categorize the perfect numbers as even perfect number and odd perfect number.
According to the definition of the even perfect number, 2 > n-1( 2 >n – 1) shows an even perfect number in which n shows the prime number. (know more about Perfect Numbers, here)
We can calculate perfect numbers as 2 is prime number so put it into the given formula as 2 > (2 – 1).(2 > 2 – 1) = 2 > 1. 4 – 1 = 2 .3 = 6 , that shows 6 as a perfect number.
Systematic Sampling is a statistical method that describes as a method of random selection of elements from an ordered sampling frame. It is very popular because of its simplicity and its periodic quality.
Icse board papers helps students for assessment of their knowledge.

Thursday 5 July 2012

What are Ordered Pairs

In the previous post we have discussed about ratio definition and In today's session we are going to discuss about Ordered pair, It can be consider as any pair of object that are related to the mathematics. Usually the concept of ordered pair deals with the real number of number system. A pair of ordered pairs popularly used for denoting a point on a coordinate plane. Usually this concept deals with two values that are written in the form (a, b ), In the given notation the value of “a” denotes the pixel position of x- axis and value of b denotes the pixel position on y axis. (Know more about Ordered Pairs in broad manner, here,)

It means to say that in the ordered pairs first value denotes the value of x coordinate and second value denotes the value of y coordinate.  In a graph, the concept of ordered pair with value (0, 0) denotes the origin point of graph. An ordered pair can simply be considered as a pair of two no. in a certain aspect. The one more thing we need to remember that ordered pairs can also contain the same number two times like (2, 2) or (4, 4).

In the real world an ordered pair is very popular in the field of graph or map where this concept is used for locating a position. It is also helpful in creating a road map, world map and so on. In mathematics, these ordered pairs used to show the actual position in a rectangular grid form. The concept of ordered pairs can also deal with three variables or values with in a three dimensional coordinate graph or map. If any ordered pair contains negative values it means that coordinate point showing the position below the origin point. Otherwise if both pixel position is positive then coordinate are shown in upper side of origin point. In the concpet of solving algebraic equation we basically deals with how to solve the equation. The central board of secondary education provide the cbse sample papers for class 10 in the begining of new session of 10th and 12th garde.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

ratio definition

In mathematics, there are various ways which provide the relationship between different concepts of mathematics. Ratio in mathematics is also a concept that shows the relationship between two numbers of the same nature. It means to say that ratio is a mathematical concept which is used to express how many times a number contains in comparison of other or first number. Generally the concept of ratio definition can be describe by taking two variable x and y as “ x to y” or in second form which is more popular i. e, x:y.
If we want to describe a concept of ratio in simple language then we express them as a relative size of two or more variables. The concept of ratio definition can be described by the ‘:’ symbol. This symbol shows the relationship between the same kinds of number by describing in what manner first number is related to another number. The concept of ratio can be performed by division of two numbers. As like there is a ratio of two numbers given like 2:10 which says that first number 2 is 5 times smaller than second number 10.
At the time of performing ratio analysis we can perform their task by follow the some of the step that are given below. Here these steps are express by solving a query. (Know more about ratio in broad manner, here,)
Suppose there are two variables x and y. if value of x is equal to the 5 and their ratio is 1 : 3 then calculate the value of y?
To perform the above given task x : y = 1 : 3 = 5 : ?
So,  first we need to perform the division of given variable with their corresponding ratio value. That is 5 / 1 = 5.
Now we need to multiply the same output with another ratio value. That is 5 * 3 = 15.
In the final step we can say that the ratio of x : y = 1: 3 = 5 : 15
In mathematics,  algebra 2 solver is a concept that helps the student by describing how to solve algebraic equation.  In board examination preparation, icse board sample papers helps the student to focus on important concept that has the higher possibility to come in exam and In the next session we will discuss about  What are Ordered Pairs.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

How to perform Long Division

In the previous post we have discussed about Use Fraction to Decimal Converter and In today's session we are going to discuss How to perform Long Division. About Word division means equal distribution of the particular number of units in any number of parts.  We can divide any number n in x equal parts; by subtracting x form the number n. Then we say that again x is subtracted from the remaining units. This process is continued until the remainder is zero or less than x. In case we get the remainder equal to zero, we say that the number n is completely divisible by x, else not. (know more about Long division, here)
 This repeated method of subtraction for division is not possible for the larger numbers. So we say that in such case we use a Long Division.
In long Division method, we must first know the following terms. Divisor is the number by which we are dividing the given number. Dividend is the number which is being divided. The result we get after division in called the quotient and the number left at the end, which further cannot be divided by the divisor is called the remainder. Now we will place the dividend in the middle and check if the first digit of the dividend is smaller than divisor or not. In case it is not smaller, we will take first two digits of the number and divide them by the divisor.  The result is placed under the given digits and we find the difference between the two digits.
 In next step, the next digit is brought down from the dividend and the same process is repeated, until all the digits of the dividend are processed.

 In order to learn about What Is the Independent Variable, we can take online help of math tutor and understand the concept.  We can also download the syllabus of West Bengal Board of Primary Education which is available online on the website and can be used for the specific studies of a particular grade.